Friday, September 26, 2008

After Seven Weeks

My friend Richard stopped by to visit last night.  We chatted for a while and he reminded me that he hadn't seen anything new in my blog.  I confessed that I had been sitting around feeling sorry for myself.

Only I could have back surgery and end up with foot pain, serious foot pain.  There is a nerve running down there I guess cause I had pain in my leg and foot before surgery and had hoped I would get relief from that.  No such luck so far, my regular doctor has had me take a CAT scan, some kind of doppler test and an x-ray.  The latest, the x-ray, is looking for a stress fracture in my foot.  I wish they would find one, at least it would be fixable.  If it is nerve pain I'm just screwed. 

The x-ray was on Monday and here it is Friday and nothing said about it.  Oh, I've called the doctor's office a couple of times and just got the standard bs.  I'm for sure supposed to find out as soon as the doctor get do with her current appointment, that was an hour ago.

I see my surgeon on Monday, I don't expect much from him except that the back is doing OK now go away.

My right foot feels like a rock, can't move my toes, can't feel much.  I don't know if I could drive or not, damn foot couldn't feel anything.  The bike would probably be easier to ride than driving the car.  At least I could brake with my hand, maybe I'll look into a scooter...........

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

One Month

It was one month Saturday that I had my back operation.  I honestly thought I'd be getting along pretty well by now.  I never thought that I'd still be using a walker to get around.  So much for my plans.  Here I am still gimping around with the walker.  Today was the first time I have gone any place other than the doctor's or PT.  It was nice to be around people at Sunday School, but I was too worn out to stay for church.  
Today was a pot luck too, dang I hate missing those pot luck dinners.  If you don't go to church you won't understand what you are missing.
I have made some progress though, the pain is less and I'm using fewer pain pills.  I still can't sleep at night (it's past midnight as I write this).  I'm able to dress my self for the most part.  Not to be gross or anything but I've been wiping my own butt for a couple of weeks.  My wife, God love her, has been an angel.  Don't ever try something like this unless you have been married at least 35 years.  Any less and your spouse probably couldn't stand it.
People have been real nice to visit and bring me stuff.  My friend Neil finally got by and he brought me a box of old motorcycle mags to look at.  I was flipping through a 1969 issue of CYCLE when a name caught my eye.  It was a letter to the editor from my mother-in-law about how they used their cycles on the farm to check the cattle.  It wasn't long afterward that her son, my brother-in-law, stopped by unexpectedly along with his son and his family.  They all enjoyed reading that long forgotten phase of their parents and grandparents.
Enough of this nonsense.  Here is a photo of myself and my always present walker and brace.