Monday, July 31, 2006

Entry for August 01, 2006

  Here I am in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and the REB is back in Kansas.  Ah well, I will just appreciate her all the more when I get back home.

  The new coil and spark plub (BR8EIX) came in last Friday afternoon but not in time to install so that job is waiting for me next week.  Even though I have a brand new Joe Rocket mesh jacket I hope the weather cools off just a little bit.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Entry for July 25, 2006

Picture:  Hole rubbed in the coil

I have been pretty lucky with the REB.  It has never given me any problems on the road that I couldn't deal with and I have always ridden it home.  Some of this has to do with my superior mechanical skills of course, but mostly it is because I have been fortunate enough to discover problems before they become ride enders.  First came the broken throttle cable two days before I planned to haul the bike to Kansas City and do some riding in Missouri.  Next was spotting a frayed clutch cable before it snapped.  I replaced that one with the factory supplied spare.

  Today I finally got around to pulling the coil with the intention of taking it to Auto Zone to be checked because the spark seemed weak.  Once I removed it I noticed the hole in the above picture.  It had been rubbing on the bracket that holds the chrome air box.  Oil was leaking out and it was apparent that failure was imminent.  Another long walk home adverted.  Superior mechanical skills or dumb luck, you decide.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Breakfast in Marquette July 19, 2006

Picture:  Eric, Stan the Man Engdahl , and Pam at the Kansas Motorcycle Museum.  Some of his 600+ racing trophies line the wall.

Today was the day we were supposed to have lunch with the ROMEOs but predicted 110 degrees temperatures made us whimp out and opt for a early morning run for breakfast in Marquette, KS.  Pam and I rode on the REB and Eric followed in my truck.  The plan was to eat breakfast then go next door to visit the Kansas Motorcycle Museum,, so we were disappointed to see that it didn't open until 10am. 

  After a leisurely breakfast we were heading back to the vehicles when we met Mr. and Mrs. Engdahl who were coming in to eat.  After introductions, Stan insisted that he open up the Museum and show us around before he had his breakfast.  It was quite a treat to get a guided tour by "the Man" himself.  He also told me that the web site was in for a major overhaul in the near future so you might want to check back sometime.

  We returned through Lindsborg a got home about 10:30.  The thermometer was showing 90.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Brother-in-Law Bike July 14, 2006

Picture:  Brother-in Law looking cool on his new 1993 Kawasaki Vulcan 750cc

  A very interesting motorcycle day.  It all started with a phone call from my brother-in-law, Bob, yesterday afternoon.  He started off by saying he had just put $65 ...&^%**#darn dollars worth of dadgum%^#@* gas in his truck and he asked if there were any motorcycles for sale in Salina.  Unable to talk him into buying a 50cc scooter I looked in the paper and picked out a couple of likely prospects, cheap with low mileage.  He and his wifely ended up coming up to look at one about 7:15pm so Sue and I went with them to take a peak.  The end result was he cut a deal on the bike in the picture.  Just over 10K miles and it ran like a top.  Now things got interesting.......

  The seller was going to be leaving for the weekend early this afternoon so if they wanted the bike for the weekend it would have to be picked up before he left town.  Retired brother-in-law to the rescue.  See if you can keep up:  1) Since the seller would only take cash Bob had to write me a check, move money from his savings to checking to cover the check.  I had to take the check to my bank, who of course wouldn't cash it without a 10 day hold, so I deposited it to savings and withdrew the necessary cash.  Now 2) I ride the REB over to the seller's place to get the title and give him the cash.  Why am I riding the bike you ask?  Cause daughter #3 has my truck in Kansas City.  With title in hand and arrangements made to pick up the bike in a little while I ride over to Sue's work.  3) Sue hauls me to Bob's new bike.  4) I ride the bike home with Sue following.  5) Sue takes me back to her work where I mount the REB.  5) I ride to Mcpherson and give the title to sister-in-law so she can go to the court house and register the Vulcan.  6) Sister-in-law suggests that since brother-in-law is now off work maybe I could just pack him the 35 miles to Salina and he could ride the bike home saving them a trip up there in their gas guzzler.  7) Sounds like a plan sez I and we do just that.  Two old men packing double on a old looking bike and loving it.  Everything went according to plan and Bob is now home with his new wheels.

  I got to say I was impressed at how the REB handled the extra weight and how smooth the ride was with that weight.  Acceleration was understandably a little slower but it cruised at 55 with no sign of protest.  Braking took a little more planing but since I adjusted to double leading link front brake it wasn't too bad. 

  Just one other thing, the guy selling the Vulcan had a new Triumph Rocket III setting in his garage, 2300cc, a beautiful bike.  It was A good motorcycle day.


Thursday, July 6, 2006

Seat preference July 07, 2006

I realize that the REB isn't the most comfortable ride out there but I now know without a doubt that the solo seat is more comfortable than the stock long seat.  I recently put the long seat back on because my daughter is coming for a visit and we plan to do some two-up riding.
  The stock seat has more padding but you can feel every bump, thump, buzz and jolt because it is connected hard to the frame.  On the solo you just gently bounce up and down and the springs isolate you from much of the vibration and jolts.

  This is just my preference others may feel differently but the next time the solo seat stays on and a pad will be put on the luggage rack for the passenger.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Entry for July 05, 2006

  No motorcycle stuff today, I blew off the ROMEOs in favor of another group of old guys at the U.S. Senior Open at Prairie Dunes Country Club in Hutchinson, KS.

  Let me tell you for a bunch of senior these old farts can flat hit the golf ball.  And what a beautiful course, laid out in the middle of the sand hills.  Since I don't play golf anymore I can say this without any guilt.........."I sure would like to get out there with a good dirt bike!"