Picture: Three shots stiched together from the West side of Coronado Heights, North of Lindsborg, KS.
Today was such a fine day I couldn't let it go to waste. First I rode downtown to the Stiefel Theatre to pick up tickets for the Dionne Warwick concert on the 24th. I hadn't realized Sue was such a big fan so these tickets are for her birthday (Feb 2nd, Groundhog Day) and Valentine's Day.
Nice ride but after a couple of minutes it is apparent that it's not as warm as it looks. Before heading back home I dig the winter gloves out of the saddle bag. You know those saddle bags make the bike look a little dorky but they sure are handy. If I decide to make the ROMEO ride tomorrow I will pack them with extra clothes.
At home I don my chaps and baklava and head South on Burma Road with the thought of riding up to Coronado Heights(http://www.naturalkansas.org/coronado.htm). By now the North wind had picked up a bit but it is to my back so the ride was quiet enough to hear the Enfield's exhaust note.........music to my ears. A little excitement going through Smolan. A couple of German Shepherds come tearing after me from the East side of the road. It would have not been of great concern except for the car coming toward me. My heart jumped up into my throat for a second until I saw that the car wasn't going to swerve into me to miss the dogs. Two miles off the pavement on a rock/gravel road just past an old cemetery I reach the entrance. That road going up there hasn't been worked on in years and I had to take it slow. The bike would have pulled it in 3rd if I could have got a little speed up. This thing has an amazing amount of torque.
There is a car at the top with two guys in it but they leave shortly.............hmmm, not that there is anything wrong with that. I snapped a few shots off and stowed the camera back in the saddle bag for the ride down. Just coasted in 2nd with the compression of the engine holding the speed down enough to negotiate the rocks and washouts.
A leisure ride back and I'm home in time read the mail before getting ready to go to
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