Picture: 1999 Ural sidecar outfit from Kansas City.
Lunch today in Galva, my hometown, KS. The Front Porch is a nice little place that Sue and I have eaten in a few times. I guess I had written it off as a ROMEO site because of all the artsy-craftsy foo foo stuff they have for sale but the guys (and two wives) seemed right at home. The food was good and the service great and now that I think about it I wished I had left more of a tip. Oh well, I'll make up for it the next time we go there.
There was quite the variety of motorbikes today, including a Ural sidecar rig. The couple with the sidecar came from the Kansas City area. There was also two old BMWs that drew a lot of attention. The REB and I have been to so many of these lunches we hardly get a second glance. The most unusually machine, however, was a 1965 Yahama 2-stroke of around 90cc. I got to talking with the rider, who was from McPherson, and it turns out I had met him years ago when he brought a mutual friend to Salina to visit The friends were Ken and Beth Bassett, our minister and his wife, from Panama. Howard had worked in the CZ for a couple of years and he and his family attended the same church that we did when I was stationed there. Small world.
Pat finally got his scooter out of the shop and made his first lunch in awhile. Neil rode his new V-Strom so three of us made the short ride from Salina. We came back through McPherson, so I could get some Java John's coffee, then took the long way back to Salina via Burma road. Just over 90 miles for the round trip and the temperature never got over 94
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