Picture: Across K-4 from Wabaunsee Lake, taking an ice cream break.
I should have written this while it was fresh in my mind but I was too damn tired when I got home Wednesday evening. 340 miles on a REB will do that to you. The day started out early at 8:30am and it was almost noon before I rolled into Mayetta. Most of the ROMEOs were eating already but another late arrival and I sat together. Great little cafe, $5.98 (tax included) for baked steak, fried potatoes with onions, corn, salad and drink. I was too stuffed to try the pie.
Haven't heard a count of the bikes that showed up but I'm thinking around 20. Included in that was a 1942 HD with the tank gear shift and foot clutch. Cool looking old bike, the guy made the short ride from Topeka.
Some of us were going to ride the hills near Soldier, KS but after a mile or so riding North on US-75 we got spooked by the dark clouds and lighting so we did a 180 and headed South to ride home on K-4. It's always a nice ride through the Flint Hills despite the detours. The little convenience store/cafe in the picture was a nice break as the temperature was climbing into the 90s. There was a nice view of the lake also, I wouldn't be surprised to see this as a lunch spot sometime.
On the way back to made the K-99 to Alma, Old 10 Road to Alta Vista loop, some of the best riding I've seen in Kansas. One of these days I'll stop and take a couple of pictures of the stone fences along K-99. By the time we made a couple of detours it was 5pm when I got home. It had been 170 miles since I filled up outside of Topeka so I'm thinking the REB is about ready to go on reserve. Mileage is around 65mpg. Not too bad considering what it is hauling around at 50-60mph. The exhaust valve has been getting out of adjustment rather quickly so I'll be taking a look at that this weekend. The windshield I ordered came in but I ordered the wrong handle bar size and will have to exchange it.
Atlas Optical Don stopped by on his HD soft tail and visited a bit, what a beautiful bike but I would hate to have to polish all that chrome, ha, ha.
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