Picture: 17 hungry ROMEOs
I haven't had time to write anything up about today's lunch, been working on the REB. Can you believe a bracket for the chain guard broke on the way back to Salina? Of course you have to dismantel the bike to get to it (well almost). 4K miles and this is the first time some has broken off.
Ok, I finished with the rant about the broken bracket. I guess I can consider myself lucky that nothing has broken or fell of before.
About the lunch ride. Wasn't much of a ride from Salina, just 22 miles or so. Pat and I were the first ones there but Bob was right behind us on his Wing. All total 17 hearty ROMEOs showed up at the Country Cafe. We had plenty of time to visit because it took so long to get some food. No one got their Joe Rockets in a bunch though. Guess we are most all retired and not in a big hurry. Don't know what the problem was but once it showed up it was pretty good eating. A real homemade chicken fried steak for $5.25 is hard to beat.
Pat and I took the long way home via Roxbury, Lindsborg and up Burma road. It was while crossing the bridge by the old mill that I realized the Enfield was making a new noise and discovered the broken chain guard. Not to worry, I know a guy that welds. We had fought a strong West wind all the way to Lindsborg and it was a relief to finally turn East off Burma road. You know you are running with a strong wind when you have to go 50mph to feel a breeze.
One doesn't usually don't have any trouble knowing which way one is going in Kansas but for those rare occasions I recently bought a niffty little handlebar compass. Works great when the bike isn't running but once you fire it up the wires running along the handlebar screw it up. Unless I can figure out another place to mount the thing it is totally useless.
The wires don't seem to be the problem. The problem is all the metal in the REB. Damn compass must have been designed for today's plastic bikes.
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