Picture: Haddam's new sign. Check out http://www.ci.haddam.ks.us/ for more info on Haddam, KS
Every Wednesday this guy Richard, that I met in Lindsborg, sets up a lunch ride. When I met him a couple of weeks ago he invited me to go along some time. This morning I met Richard and Paul at Richard's motel in Lindsborg. They both ride scooters. Now before you scoff understand that Richard has ridden his 500cc scoot on an Iron Butt 1500, that's 1500 miles in less than 24 hours. Paul rides a 200cc scooter. Both of these things will run circles around my Royal Enfield. They let me take the lead as we set out for Haddam, KS because I am still breaking in and must limit and vary my speed. We take the quickest route so we can get there by noon, up old 81 to Salina, then Interstate 135 North until it turns into 81 all the way to Belleville, East on 36 for a bit and just North a tad is the little town of Haddam, just 10 miles South of the Nebraska line. Rain threatened the whole trip and I was wearing what I have for a rain suit. Not near as fancy as some of the other folks had but I'm the only one on an old fashioned bike too.
There are 12 of us on 11 motorcycles, I have the only RE. Seems most everyone in town knew we were coming and several of the townies stopped my to chat. The restaurant was a typical small town joint, good cheap food. I had the BBQ meat balls, $5 including ice tea. Served on Styrofoam plates but real glasses and table service, very tasty. There were riders from Topeka, Abilene, Ottawa, Salina and Lindsborg and probably some place I didn't catch.
The return trip was much nicer ride, through Cuba, South to Clyde and Clifton then down to Longford where a couple of us stopped for gas and coffee. I had a bit of a thrill about 5 miles from Longford when my tank ran dry, I switched over to reserve not having a clue how much gas I had left or if there was a station in Longford. Luckily there was and I had cash cause they didn't take credit cards.
I parted ways with by riding buddy Dave, when we reached highway 18. He turned East for Ottawa and went West and worked my way through Soloman to Country Club road to Magnolia road via Kipp road on to Ohio and Schilling and home.
I don't have a picture, it looked so much like rain that I left the camera at home. I did see some pretty country up north and look forward to riding up that way again sometime.
254 miles, less than 3.5 gal of gas and about a half cup of oil. A good motorcycle day!!!!