Sunday, November 8, 2009

A New Pair of Boots

I’ve been looking for a pair of waterproof boots for some time now. The problem is my wide feet and the fact that no one seems to make motorcycle riding boots in wider sizes. Unless you want the H-D brand that is. I would even consider those except they don’t seem to be waterproof.

Recently I ran across some boots from Cruiserworks Most of them were engineer type which presents another difficulty….my high instep. I’m blessed with it all, wide and tall.This style seemed like it would work the best and it came in a wide size, it’s called the Defender or Commando depending on height. That’s the good news, the bad news is the $269 price.

So what else was there to do except to search on Ebay or some used ones. What I ran across there seemed too good to be true. Brand new boots for $115. Got to be cheap imitations, I thought. After emailing the seller and practically accusing them of selling stolen items I received a very nice reply stating that they were in fact new boot from Cruiserworks. The catch was they were made in Canada and Cruiserworks had changed suppliers to ones made elsewhere. I hit the Buy it Now button.

Now almost a week has gone by and I haven’t heard anything from the seller, my emails are being ignored and I’m getting concerned. Finally after a strongly worded email I received a very apologetic reply. Seems the boss had been out of the office and the new help didn’t know to do anything with Ebay orders. Anyway they refunded the shipping charges and I got the boots in a few days. All is good.

They fit OK, feel fine are comfortable off the bike too. I haven’t tested them for being waterproof yet but feel confident that they are the real deal. Oh, the strap around the top. My guess is that it is to contain the huge bow made from the really long shoe strings. Anyway that’s what I’m using them for.

A New Pair of Boots

 I’ve been looking for a pair of waterproof boots for some time now. The problem is my wide feet and the fact that no one seems to make motorcycle riding boots in wider sizes. Unless you want the H-D brand that is. I would even consider those except they don’t seem to be waterproof.

 Recently I ran across some boots from Cruiserworks  Most of them were engineer type which presents another difficulty….my high instep. I’m blessed with it all, wide and tall.This style seemed like it would work the best and they came in a wide size, it’s called the Defender or Commando depending on height. That’s the good news, the bad news is the $269 price.

 So what else was there to do except to search on Ebay or some used ones. What I ran across there seemed too good to be true. Brand new boots for $115. Got to be cheap imitations, I thought.  After emailing the seller and practically accusing them of selling stolen items I received a very nice reply stating that they were in fact new boots from Cruiserworks. The catch was they were made in Canada and Cruiserworks had changed suppliers to ones made elsewhere. I hit the Buy it Now button.

Now almost a week has gone by and I haven’t heard anything from the seller, my emails are being ignored and I’m getting concerned.  Finally after a strongly worded email I received a very apologetic reply. Seems the boss had been out of the office and the new help didn’t know to do anything with Ebay orders. Anyway they refunded the shipping charges and I got the boots in a few days. All is good.

 They fit OK, feel fine are comfortable off the bike too. I haven’t tested them for being waterproof yet but feel confident that they are the real deal. Oh, the strap around the top.My guess is that it is to contain the huge bow made from the really long shoe strings. Anyway that’s what I’m using them for.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Scandia, KS 11-04-09

  As I walked out the door of Tag's after lunch I smelled it first then saw the huge black smoker getting fired up.  Sure wish I had know they make their own BBQ I would have had that pulled pork sandwich instead of the Mexican special.  Not that there was anything wrong with the special, two tacos, re-fried beans and some other beany, cheesey stuff with chicken meat.  All for $6.72 including tax, hard to beat.
 Yesterday was a primo day for a ride even if it was a little cool when we headed north to Scandia, not far from the Nebraska border.  US 81 North is a straight as a string four lane but the boredom of the rode was eased by the amazing vistas of rolling hills in north central Kansas.
 Emery must have had enough of the vistas and high speed of the big road as he turned abruptly to the west onto a more ROMEO like two lane black top.  I'd never been on this one before and was enjoying the big 90 degree when we came upon a dreaded Paved Road Ends sign.  As our group contained a couple of Harleys a Gold Wing and a big Vulcan so we pulled over to discuss our plight.  The decision was make rather quickly as Neil gunned around everyone on his bright yellow V-strom, beard flying from underneath his full face helmet he was in his element on the loose gravel.  The last we saw of him he was broad sliding around a turn like a flat tracker at the Indianapolis Mile.  The rest of made what seemed like 20 miles but more like 8, at a more sedate pace. 

  What to do after a big lunch?  Why, ride 25 miles to the tiny town of Agenda for ice cream of course.
  This dirt street town of less than 100 people has an little store with a real soda fountain bar complete with those of fashioned wire legged tables and chairs.  Plus a bunch of  smelly foofoo stuff sitting around for sale.
  As I understood the lady also had another store a couple of doors down.  I don't understand how she stays in business in such a remote location, maybe that is why she seemed so glad to see us.  

By the time the group had passed through Concordia going home they had all passed me save Richard on his Gold Wing.  He followed me as I pulled into the rest area 
just a few miles from Salina.  I just needed a break to stretch by back.

Had a Dubya moment when a guy came trotting across the parking lot to check out the bike wondering what it was and what year it was.  He seemed satisfied and returned to his car.  

Back home I put a slug of Stabil in the tank knowing I probably wouldn't ride for at least a month while we travel to Virginia and Georgia to visit a couple of daughters and our grandchildren.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Scandia, KS 11-04-09

Tag's Grill & Bar in Scandia for lunch then ice cream in Agenda. The last three photos are at the rest stop north of Salina on US 81.