Retired Old Motorcyclist Eating Out. Plus some Royal Enfield and W650 stuff and random BS from a old motorcycle fart. Cross posted from which is closing down at the end of the year. All my old stuff was transferred here and in the process pictures were lost, post are out of sequence, etc. I'll re-post pics when I have time.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A New Pair of Boots
I’ve been looking for a pair of waterproof boots for some time now. The problem is my wide feet and the fact that no one seems to make motorcycle riding boots in wider sizes. Unless you want the H-D brand that is. I would even consider those except they don’t seem to be waterproof.
Recently I ran across some boots from Cruiserworks Most of them were engineer type which presents another difficulty….my high instep. I’m blessed with it all, wide and tall.This style seemed like it would work the best and it came in a wide size, it’s called the Defender or Commando depending on height. That’s the good news, the bad news is the $269 price.
So what else was there to do except to search on Ebay or some used ones. What I ran across there seemed too good to be true. Brand new boots for $115. Got to be cheap imitations, I thought. After emailing the seller and practically accusing them of selling stolen items I received a very nice reply stating that they were in fact new boot from Cruiserworks. The catch was they were made in Canada and Cruiserworks had changed suppliers to ones made elsewhere. I hit the Buy it Now button.
Now almost a week has gone by and I haven’t heard anything from the seller, my emails are being ignored and I’m getting concerned. Finally after a strongly worded email I received a very apologetic reply. Seems the boss had been out of the office and the new help didn’t know to do anything with Ebay orders. Anyway they refunded the shipping charges and I got the boots in a few days. All is good.
They fit OK, feel fine are comfortable off the bike too. I haven’t tested them for being waterproof yet but feel confident that they are the real deal. Oh, the strap around the top. My guess is that it is to contain the huge bow made from the really long shoe strings. Anyway that’s what I’m using them for.
A New Pair of Boots
I’ve been looking for a pair of waterproof boots for some time now. The problem is my wide feet and the fact that no one seems to make motorcycle riding boots in wider sizes. Unless you want the H-D brand that is. I would even consider those except they don’t seem to be waterproof.
Recently I ran across some boots from Cruiserworks Most of them were engineer type which presents another difficulty….my high instep. I’m blessed with it all, wide and tall.This style seemed like it would work the best and they came in a wide size, it’s called the Defender or Commando depending on height. That’s the good news, the bad news is the $269 price.
So what else was there to do except to search on Ebay or some used ones. What I ran across there seemed too good to be true. Brand new boots for $115. Got to be cheap imitations, I thought. After emailing the seller and practically accusing them of selling stolen items I received a very nice reply stating that they were in fact new boots from Cruiserworks. The catch was they were made in Canada and Cruiserworks had changed suppliers to ones made elsewhere. I hit the Buy it Now button.
Now almost a week has gone by and I haven’t heard anything from the seller, my emails are being ignored and I’m getting concerned. Finally after a strongly worded email I received a very apologetic reply. Seems the boss had been out of the office and the new help didn’t know to do anything with Ebay orders. Anyway they refunded the shipping charges and I got the boots in a few days. All is good.
They fit OK, feel fine are comfortable off the bike too. I haven’t tested them for being waterproof yet but feel confident that they are the real deal. Oh, the strap around the top.My guess is that it is to contain the huge bow made from the really long shoe strings. Anyway that’s what I’m using them for.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Scandia, KS 11-04-09
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Scandia, KS 11-04-09
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Geneseo, KS 10-28-09
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hesston, KS 10-21-09
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Rally on the River
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Republic, KS 9-16-09
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Canton, KS 09-09-09
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Rat Bike No More
Another of the ROMEOs, Louie has been experimenting with air brush painting and has gotten pretty good. To the point, Neil and Louie decided to tackle the rat. Here are the amazing results.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Ride on the Mild Side
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Galva, KS 8-12-09
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thor's Roar 2009 Lindsborg, KS
Pat, Neil and I journeyed to Lindsborg this morning for a Biker's Breakfast. Guess 9am must have been too late because the breakfast buffet was looking bare but we gave it a go just to support the city of Lindsborg. This rally had been rained out the first two years so we wanted to do our share. Don't think the cafe was prepared for all the business.
Fairly typical rally, lots of loud Harleys, black leather and some nice customs. The Patriot Guard Riders made an entrance with flags flying, impressive as always. Just a random thought here but how is it that all the motorcycles rallys have this military connection? The PG has their thing where they recognize the vets and active duty people, that's all well and good but what does it have to do with motorcycling? For anyone reading this that doesn't know me I am a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer with almost 23 years of active duty so I feel qualified to speak. I guess I just get tired of all these leather wrapped, bad ass looking wanttobe bikers representing my military. nuff of that rant
They had a good turn out of vendors, maybe even more than the rally in Marquette. One lap around the two blocks they reserved for bikes and vendors and we saw about all there was to see so we let the wind blow us home before it got too hot.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Enterprise, KS 8-5-09
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Kanopolis, KS 7-29-09
I rather think a whole day of ROMEOing about seems like a very good way to spend a day especially when it was as nice as this one.
I'm still doing grand children duty so I wasn't able to go on for ice cream even though I considered it heavily. I heard that Freddies Frozen Custard over in Salina was the spot selected. Custard? I hear it's better than it sounds! I may break down and give it a try before passing judgement. But doesn't Ice Cream just have a better ring to it?
Multi wheeled bikes of all types seemed to be the center of attention today. A sidecar rig, a regular kind of tryke and an articulated wheeled Piaggio MP-3 kind of set the stage for unusual vehicles parked on the short main street of town.
Town history was a subject discussed with some locals and a few in our group that I talked with had never been here before even though they had resided in Kansas for quite a spell.
This is one of the finest ways to see the State yet devised as far as I can determine. Close up and personal and long enough to just 'sit-a-spell'.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ride Around Athens, GA
Had a nice ride around Athens today with my son-in-law. He was one his Kawasaki Z-1000 and I rode my daughter's 750 Honda Shadow. It was the first time I had ridden the Honda for any length of time and while my body doesn't like the feet forward position it wasn't horrible and the bike has a nice powerful, smooth engine. Sounds really cool too. I feel like such bad ass when I ride it.
Real southern bbq for lunch and a visit to two bike shops afterwards, doesn't get any better than that.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
In Georgia
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
2009 Royal Enfield REunion
Thursday morning, June 18th, it's going to be a hot one and I'm already sweating underneath my helmet as I roll into the parking lot of the Baptist church to meet up with my three ROMEO traveling companions. Pat is already waiting on his 900cc Vulcan and we are soon joined by Randy on a Suzuki Savage and Richard on his 500cc Aprillia Scarabeo motor scooter. Richard is already almost 20 miles into the ride coming from Lindsborg, KS. We're as eclectic a group of motorcyclists that ever hit the road but we're off.
As it turns out riding is good for my back and by the first gas stop I'm feeling pretty good. Pat and Randy are on their first long ride and doing fine. Richard is an old pro having three Iron Butts to his credit, I'm just praying my back holds out. We soon settle into a rhythm, I'm
leading cause it's my ride. Truth be told I'm leading cause I'm the slowest but it doesn't much matter as we will be mostly on two lanes where 55-60 mph is right in the REB's comfort zone. 100 miles, start looking for gas, 120 miles get serious about gas, the Savage has a small tank. Rhythm of the road, not exactly Iron Butt stuff but it's our ride.By Clarinda, IA the temperature has climbed to mid 90's at 3pm and it's time for a break. I spot a McDonald's with some little trees next to the parking lot in the back and we take over all available shade. As luck would have it there was a hydrant near so we could wet down and take a nice cool rest.
A ways south of Carroll, IA we pull in for gas and I spot a familiar bike and rider. My old Navy buddy George on his Concurs was to meet us in Carroll but decided to come looking. He led us to our motel and waited while we secured the bikes and decided on a place to eat. We all had a nice time at dinner,
The lightening flash lit up the room and the crash of thunder rattled the windows, a chance of rain indeed. I didn't sleep after the light show started at 0430, our basement room window was level with the parking lot and Pat looked out to confirm that, yes, it was raining. We both had left our tent and sleeping bags on our bikes and were hoping our water proofing held up.
More later.............It's later, June 30th, this isn't getting written too fast. Yeah, it was wet Friday morning alright. In fact we delayed out start time until 9:30 in hopes it would stop. I was in contact with George and he was watching the weather maps so we were fairly confident that the light rain would pass quickly as we headed out for our rendezvous. The strength of our water proofing would have to wait until we unpacked in Lanesboro.
We fought the slop and road spray until lunch time and it looked things were going to stay clear and dry for the rest of the ride. Except for getting lost in Belmond, IA after lunch things went off without a hitch. I suspect George was laughing at me as he peeled off to visit his Mom. I never stay lost for too long and we gave some locals a parade to watch as we turned around at a dead end and got back on track. In retrospect this was a developing trend and I continued having trouble getting us out of towns.
CJ had a beer stuck in my hand almost before I could get off the bike, good old CJ always there with what a guy needs. It was nice to greet several people that Richard and I had meet last year. Randy and Pat seems impressed with the campground and they have both done lots of RV camping.
Everyone was on their own for supper so the Kansas guys made our way into town to find food. Lanesboro is a tourist town with prices to prove it but we settled at the Pedal Pusher for their all you can eat fish fry, our kind of place. It was Richard's kind of place too and the cute waitress couldn't keep her hands off of him. We all knew that she was working him for a tip, but the free milkshake really got him fired up. Probably the best tip she got all week.
Saturday morning got off to a good start because someone had the foresight to get the coffee pot ready to go Friday night. Nothing like a hot cuppa while you are waiting on the pancakes to cook. Saturday is the day we have a group ride and this year we were lucky enough to have one of our own to chronicle not only the ride but the whole day. Dan, also known as Porkchop, posted his creation on youtube, you can see it here
Most of us never see another Royal Enfield let alone get to ride some so it is a rare opportunity when this large of a group gets together (I didn't count but there was at least 8 REs). With the other brands along we were quite the mob as you can see at the start of the video. While riding is great it is the camaraderie with like minded enthusiast and the other things that happen that one remembers. Fer instance a motor scooter leading a gang of old looking bikes smack into the middle of a classic car show and stopping to inquire about a place for lunch then continuing along to the stares of the show goers.
Back to the camp ground for a fine evening meal of brats and all the trimmings, with homemade cookies for dessert. After dinner, Tim, CMW parts man extraordinaire, was in charge of handing out the swag. Everyone had their name drawn and got some piece of CMW merchandise to carry home.
It is never as much fun loading up to leave and the light drizzle made it worse. We all managed to re-pack everything but Randy appeared to be having trouble finding a place for his new Royal Enfield coffee cup. After much consternation he managed to stash it someplace.
We say our good byes and roll out of the camp ground around 8am for the nearly 700 miles back to Salina, KS. CJ looks a little lonely as we ride by. He isn't leaving until afternoon, something about catching the ferry at midnight.
Other than some rain in the middle of Iowa the ride back is going well. So well that on a quiet stretch of four lane on Hwy 30 in western Iowa I decided to open her up. I had been doing around 60 according to the GPS so knew there wasn't much left but I saw 70.4 before I backed off. I wonder if that little blast had anything to do with my oil covered boot later?
We spent the night in Fremont, NE and the next morning looked great but we could see a big storm rolling in from the southwest and spent sometime discussing the best route to take. The consensus was to continue west on 30 and drop south on 81 to home. Not the most interesting way to go but so non-interstate four lanes so trucks could get around the slow moving REB.
We missed the rain but the heat really started to build up as the day progress and we traveled south. I keep the throttle at about 60mph the little thumper never missed a beat until I shut her down at home at 3pm. 1535 miles total, nothing fell off, there is oil leaking in the right fork, either a seal or o-ring and the oil on my boot that I thought might be a blown head gasket appears to have come from the exhaust. The muffler slipped back half an inch and I was getting some blow-by. Guess there is a little oil in the exhaust. At over 17,000 miles it is only a matter of time until a top end rebuild, but as long as she isn't fogging up the highway I'm going to keep riding. Next trip, Rally of the River in Missouri in September.