Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Season is Over

Officially ended my motorcycle riding season the other day when my brother-in-law moved the REB so I could get to the bike covers.  He then covered the bikes while I stood and stoopervised.  This is the first time I have covered them up, always having them ready to ride the instant a decent day occurred.  I'll patiently wait until Spring before I think about riding again. 

I recently befriended A young Wichita U. student, via the Royal Enfield Forum, that is having electrical problems with his new Military.  He is blowing headlights so I sent him a couple of 5 inchers that I had lying around.  Hope he figures out the problem as he is unable to find any locally.  He has an interesting web site,, and is well traveled for such a young guy.

Something Positive

Finally something positive to report almost 10 weeks after surgery.  On September 29th my surgeon put me on the drug Lycrica to help with the nerve pain in my right leg and foot.  Yawnnnn, no effect.  Last Monday I met with my local doctor and she tells me to double the dosage.  The next day the nerve pain in my leg and foot is noticeable reduced, hallelujah!  I feel SO much better I can't believe it.  Oh, I still have that pain in the ball of my foot that hurts like hell when I walk but I had an MRI for that yesterday so am hoping to find a cyst or some reason for the pain.  My back is doing fine.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Appointment With Surgeon

Last Wednesday Sue drove me to Wichita for an X-ray and an appointment with the surgeon.  Long story short, the surgeon was much more pleased than I was.  The surgeon says "you know it's only been eight weeks"  I said "It's been eight weeks already".  He thinks the pain in my foot will eventually go away but it might not so we will cross that bridge when we get there.  OK doc, I'll suck it up and get with the physical therapy.  Here is my X-ray for your enjoyment $109,000 worth.  I don't think I'll have to pay anything.  Medicare and Tricare for Life will pick up the tab (I hope).