I won't bore with endless details of a hospital stay. After four days in the hospital they kicked me out and I went home. The first couple of days at home weren't too bad, I didn't have a lot of pain and could get around with the walker fairly well. Something happened about the third day home and things have gone to crap since. I have swelling in my right foot, constant pain down my leg and in my back. The pain pills only seem to work about an hour but I can't only have one ever four. My wife watches the medication for me, I call her the pill Nazi. My doctor says my sacroiliac is off, one hip is higher than the other, that would account for the additional pain.
At over three weeks post-op things haven't gotten much better and I seem to sleep all day and stay awake all night. I've started physical therapy so maybe that will give me some relief.
Motorcycles? Honestly haven't given them much thought. I'm getting a bad attitude.