Backing up a couple of days, on Wednesday I rode down to Lindsborg and had lunch with Richard and Joyce. After lunch Richard and I braved the north wind and rode to Salina to check out the sale at Outlaws and to have a Frosty. The 1100 Yamaha V-Star that Richard has his eye on was sitting next to the 900 Vulcan that Pat bought today. Both are nice cruisers.
Yesterday I followed Richard and his 650 V-Star to Hutchinson where he parked it in the Suzuki dealers show room for him to sell on consignment. Of course Richard had to take the scenic route down there, I didn't mind as I was warm and comfy driving his truck. He wandered the back roads like a guy riding his favorite horse for the last time before putting it out to pasture. Now he claims he wasn't really lost when he headed off in the wrong direction he just wasn't real sure where it was he wanted to go. His nick name of "Wrong Road Richard" is well deserved. I'm thinking of getting a pool up on how long long it will be until he is riding that new 1100. I'm betting not too long.