Picture: Mainstreet Pub & Grill, Allen, KS
The ROMEOs ended an 11 week drought in fine fashion today with 33 hungry old bikers showing up in the Flint Hills town of Allen, KS. The Flint Hills is cattle country and Allen didn't disappoint as several real live, hat wearing, spur clinking cowboys were seen trying to get a bite of lunch in the midst of a hoard of old men with nothing better to do than ride to a small town and take over the only cafe for lunch.
Like many small Kansas towns Allen has seen better days as evidenced by several boarded up, once grand, old stone buildings. There was even once an Allen Hotel that obviously hadn't seen a guest in many years. The little place is still hanging on though and the flag proudly flies outside the tiny U.S. Post Office and the senior center was open for business. Say, now there is an idea! Why doesn't this bunch of AARP eligible motorcyclists hit a senior center for lunch sometime?
It was a little on cool side when Pat, Neil, Louie, Randy and I struck out for Allen at 9:30 and was only slightly warmer when we arrive at 11:30. There was already a good crowd of ROMEOs chowing down but there was just enough of the special left for us. Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, a biscuit and drink for $5 and change, can't be beat.
Pat and I passed on ice cream at the DQ in Council Grove and instead beat it back to Salina so we could try out the new overpass on North Ohio and visit the H-D/Honda store. I think it was worth every cent of the 8 million (the overpass not the H-D store). I bought one of those plastic helmet strap latch snap clicker thingies but haven't been smart enough to get it put on yet.
For Tiny Tim in the UK: Thanks for the kind words. I tried to reply to your message but Yahoo says you aren't receiving.