Above Freezing........ Below
Yep, is is indeed cold. Ten degrees this morning with a predicted high of 18. Guess I'll fire up the REB later and see how it handles on a sheet of ice and sleet.............NOT!!!!
Speaking freezing things off of brass monkeys the most common story is of naval origin about something called a monkey that held cannon balls (shot) aboard sailing ships. Story is the monkey was made of brass and was square so you could stack a pyramid of shot in it. When it got cold the brass would contract at a different rate and the balls (shot) would fall down. Seems to me they wouldn't be very stable to begin with. If you have ever been on the deck of a Naval vessel you know what I mean. Sounds like something made up by CANOE (the Committee to Ascribe a Naval Origin to Everything).
At any rate it is too damn cold for me to ride.