Friday, January 19, 2007

Entry for January 20, 2007

It has been over a month since I've ridden the REB, that is the longest it has sat idle since I bought it in July '05. I have a Battery Tender hooked up to, Stabil in the gas and fresh oil in the engine so guess it should be OK.

We still have ice on the street and expecting 3-6 inches of snow this afternoon so doesn't look like I'll be riding any time soon. Wonder how a sidecar would work on ice?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Brass Monkey January 15, 2007

Above Freezing........ Below

Yep, is is indeed cold. Ten degrees this morning with a predicted high of 18. Guess I'll fire up the REB later and see how it handles on a sheet of ice and sleet.............NOT!!!!

Speaking freezing things off of brass monkeys the most common story is of naval origin about something called a monkey that held cannon balls (shot) aboard sailing ships. Story is the monkey was made of brass and was square so you could stack a pyramid of shot in it. When it got cold the brass would contract at a different rate and the balls (shot) would fall down. Seems to me they wouldn't be very stable to begin with. If you have ever been on the deck of a Naval vessel you know what I mean. Sounds like something made up by CANOE (the Committee to Ascribe a Naval Origin to Everything).

At any rate it is too damn cold for me to ride.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Riding the Dub January 08, 2007

Finally got on the Dub rode about 45 miles today. About 48 degrees and windy but a delight to ride again after a three week lay off. I got a pair of winter riding gloves for Christmas and wore them today. My hands were toasty for the whole ride so I have great expectations for them the next time I'm out when it is really cold.

Stopped by Richard's just to say hi. Louie came by and we all chatted a bit before I had to get back home. Making plans for the summer, we may try some camping.

Haven't really been in the mood to Blog lately, post holiday blues I guess. A few days of higher than normal temperatures should take care of that.